Saturday, November 2, 2013

National Prematurity Awareness Month

Image property of FBLA-PBL and March of Dimes

November is National Prematurity Awareness Month. March of Dimes has made it their mission to help mothers to be have healthy full babies through education. If something goes wrong then March of Dimes is there to offer comfort the family.

It is the goal of March of Dimes to lower the nation’s prematurity birth rate down to 9.6% or lower by 2020. The March of Dimes releases a national report card that grades each state. Georgia has a C for this year. It is our goal to raise that up to at least a B by next year.

Phi Beta Lambda has made it our mission to help raise awareness. This year we have a project called “Purple in Action”. It’s a way to tell the stories of those who have been touched by the March of Dimes.
Our chapter is also working to support National PBL with fundraising and promoting awareness. On November 18, 2013 we are requesting that everyone wear purple in support of National Prematurity 

Awareness Day (It’s actually November 17th but that falls on a Sunday so SGTC Americus PBL will observe it that following Monday). We will also be selling fresh Otis Spunkmeyer cookies (2 for $1.00). All funds raised will go to the March of Dimes.

There is more! There is a page on GoFundMe for our chapter. The goal is to raise $2000 by December 15th, 2013. If we accomplish this goal then I will let our chapter dye my hair purple. Yes, you read that right. This red hair will become purple. All profits will go straight to March of Dimes from GoFund on behalf of the Americus SGTC Phi Beta Lambda.

Help make a difference in a family’s life. Below are some links to tell you how.